My Little wings!
Let 'FAILURE' be your 'TEACHER'
Saturday, September 12, 2009 | 5:07 PM | 0 comments

I found this one at others blog..
or should I say teacher blog..
Let hear read it together

"There's a baby girl name Aishah. While trying to walk, she
falls for several time, or may be hundreds of time. She failed more than once,
but that doesn't stop her from keep on trying. She doesn't know what is failure.
But for her failure is like an honest teacher who guides her to walk. After a
few months playing with her 'new teacher', she is now walking steadily.Once she
can walk, she starts dreaming to run. Once again she looked at 'Mr failure' as
her mentor. She studied every failure that she made. Suddenly she is now running
by herself. She thanks failure for guiding her all these while. Now..she is
running and laughing in joy. While running she saw a bird flying above the sky.
She looked at the bird,and tell herself that one day.."she believes.. she can

So the conclusion is :

Failure is not a thing..
Failure is caused by bad choices..
but that doesn't mean that u are bad..
Failure is not a disaster that you must panic over..
Failure is the teacher that presents the experience of doing it wrong..
Failure is the advice to problem that you faced..
Failure is full of information that you need the most..
Failure is not a sign to quit the game..
but, rather, a sign to go back, read the rules and FIGHT again..
Failure can be felt as 'mr inferior' that u can learn from to produce a more 'superior' performance..
The truth is..
Failure is the path for you to become a WINNER..

p/s : This is not my words..
I quote it from

so for those who always face failure *like me* please do not loss hope..
be brave and try to do your best.!!
try to think of something that will burn your spirit..>.<
at least you would feel relieve after do something whole hearthly..
so friends let do our best in SPM.!!!