My Little wings!
Monday, May 09, 2011 | 4:47 PM | 0 comments

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim & Assalamualaikum everyone.

How are you guys today? I hope that you're in a good condition. :) Okay. If you read the headline, it obviously about attitude. But who's attitude I want to talk about here? My friends? My acquaintance? Someone that I dislike? No no no. I'm going to talk about my attitude slash behaviour. You don't want to read it? Okay say goodbye to this blog then. ;)
Haha. No worry. I'm not sulking or anything. It's your choice to read it or not. Am I right? Okay.. Okay.. I'll start now.

Well.. If you compare my attitude during my school days and now, it obviously different. But how much? 20%? 50%? 70%? or 100%? I would vote for 70%. Why I vote 70%? Why don't I just vote 50% or 100%? Hey depend on me lah how much I want to vote. haha. *please ignore my stupidity. I didn't had enough sleep last night*.

Okay let me start with attitude that I managed to change. First is perform prayers. This is the important thing in my life. Before this, I felt really lazy do to it. Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. Ah.. If you view it from today, you'll feel really embarrassed with yourself. What kind of Muslimah are you? I don't know how I managed to get A in my Islamic Studies. I'm such a horrible people. Seriously I'm really ashamed with myself. But thanks to Allah, I started to fulfill my 5 prayers after my SPM is over. It 's a good thing though because Allah opened my heart and it never too late for me to repent.

Next is I changed from childish, hyper active and talkative to a bit matured, and a bit quiet. Okay.. Okay.. I use a bit because I do not change myself entirely. You can ask my old and new friends if you don't believe in me. I changed because of the surrounding and also because I'm getting older. *I don't really like how it sounds* Try to imagine this. Imagine that this person is aged around 25 and that person still act like a kid. Don't you feel annoying? Same with me. Whenever I think about how I use to act, it's really embarrassing. But when you already use to not talking to much like how I behave now, you will feel tired when you talk a bit much or when you're giving a talk. hehe..

Next is my intonation. Eh? Intonation?Actually I'm not quite sure about that. But what I remembered before this I just say what I want without thinking about others. I do bad mouth about people and I want to seek forgiveness from you guys. I know I'm such a bad friend but you guys still able to cope with me. Thank you. Eh.. Eh.. I think it run out topic. xD What I mean by intonation is.. Errr... Okay I talk like girl. Dude.. I'm a girl. hehe. I mean before this I friend with mostly guys and you know how guys talk right? That what I mean. Okay ignore if you don't understand.

Erm.. What else? Attitude that I still can't tame? Obviously my anger. To tell you the truth, I'm not someone with high patience. I'll get mad easily when something that was planned do not go according to plan AND when someone don't know how to do their works. I'm not someone that good at mouth fighting or using sarcasm. It either I'll scream or I'll shout. hehe.. >.<

Procrastinate.. That what I keep doing. I don't know why it is really hard for me to 'throw' away that behaviour. Can you slap me when I do that? haha.. Please don't.

Okay.. Okay.. That all I want to say here. I think I have already talk about this before but let it be. This is my blog. Depend on me lah how many times I want to repeat the same thing. hehehe. This is just something for me to look back in order to change myself. I'm sorry for using broken English. >.<