My Little wings!
Sunday, May 15, 2011 | 11:14 PM | 0 comments

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim & Assalamualaikum.

Ehem.. Ehem.. Actually I don't have any specific title or specific thing I want to talk about but I think I want to tell you guys what's on my mind lately. Like in my previous post, I talked about my attitude right? So this one is a bit related to the previous post well not really.

I want to buy new clothes. Oh my. I need a lot of money to do that. Well yes but I won't buy things like my mom. She spends more than RM100 in one day. I will  buy one by one.  If you look at my closet, I know you will say that I have a lot of clothes but If you're in my place, will you think like that? Want to know why? First, I'm getting fatter so most of the clothes not that comfortable to me. Second, before this I like to buy body shaping shirt. When I entered college, I wear loose outfit. And what do you think I'll feel when I wear that body shaping shirt? I feel embarrassed to wear it out. It makes me feel like I'm naked. Don't imagine it okay!

I want to finish up reading novels. I think because I'm too busy with college, I don't have the mood to read novels. There are 3 unfinished novels. Whenever I went to book shop it is hard for me to control my desire to buy novels. So for now I'm going to finish up To kill a mocking bird first, then Gulliver's travels and then Before I fall

I think I won't take practical. I know my decision sounds stupid to you. I have been thinking about too long. At first I want to make my schedule too pack so that I can finish my diploma in less that 2 1/2 years. But if I do that, I don't think I have time to do other things. I'm in a club right now. The least meeting we have is once a week. What if I have class when they going to have a meeting? Don't you think it a bit troublesome for others? Won't I be called as someone who doesn't have responsibilities? Am I right? Yes I know that practical is easier than taking java and current issues. But try to think it my way. If I take practical, I'll finish my diploma on the middle of 2013. Then how long do you think I need to wait for convocation? I don't know the exact month but let me take July for instant. Do you think I'll do nothing during those few months waiting? No right? Of course I'll try searching for a job. I know that the percentage to find a job with my course is low *I mean when you don't have your diploma certificate yet*, but at least I'm going to have some experience before I can continue my degree or working. Right? Okay I know most of you don't agree with me but this is my decision. So please respect it. 

I think that all my boring and lacking of ideas post. Thank you for reading it.