My Little wings!
Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 11:19 PM | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum & Good night people.. *wave* :)

Yay! another boring post from me. hahaha. Feel free to go to another website if you don't want to read my post. I don't mind.. Really. :) This will be a short post from me anyway I hope so.

Okay.. okay.. This is my second times handling an intake. You know what, at first I needed to guard the door. Parent aren't allowed to come in. It was really tiring. 

I need to stand and guard the door for few hours without sitting. Need to opened and closed the door. Sometimes parents are too worried about their children. Daftar je pun. Haish. On the next day, I couldn't walk straight. haha..

And today was my second times. I'm in charge of the table. It means that I need to explain to the new intake how are they suppose to fill the form. 

Meja saya lelaki yang duduk. I think I'm too strict with them. All of them just nodded and fill their form quietly. hahaha. I kept drinking water coz my throat was dry coz of explaining the same thing over and over again. Phew.. When I got home, I slept until Magrib. hehe..

Even though this thing is tiring but it was fun though. I hope I can join another intake again. That all for today. :)