My Little wings!
My To-Do List
Saturday, September 24, 2011 | 3:12 AM | 2 comments

Assalamualaikum & Goodnight

I know it suppose to be sleeping time for the rest of you guys, but I decided to jot down what's on my mind right now. There are a lot of things I need to do. You know what, I do love to make to-do list. It makes me know, what is my aim, and what am I suppose to do. Well my memory isn't so good. hehe
What to do
- Assignments/Presentation SAD, CS, Adv2, IA, IS.
- Watch Azumi for Adv2 presentation.
- Read Ilmiah book for ushrah 3V book's review .
- Buy new clothes.
- Exercise more.
- Eat less.
- Try to learn how to control my anger.
- Learn to smile naturally.
- Training.
- Revise what I had learned.
- Doing past year question (Final is around the corner).
- Try to control my behaviour.
- Use less bad words.
- Sleeping at the right time (my sleeping time is a mess and I don't get enough sleep)
- Slim down a bit?
- Buy things for ushrah JA (Jumbo sales)
- Try to be patient.
- Buy and read newspaper.
- Sharpen my speaking.